Sunday, December 25, 2011

To My FB Friends & Tweet Hearts ❤(◕‿◕)❤

        Thank You Everyone for the Happy Holiday Wishes. I appreciate having you on my Sites

Some of you I've known Forever & I have met some Really Wonderful People that I would not have if not here on FB Or Twitter & blogger. I've even learned some things about different subjects. I enjoy learning New things & ideas. I'm still learning to be "Tech Savvy"..ah aha

 I made my sites starting a business through Labella because Janis & Mia the founders believe the same as I do when it comes to giving back. As it turns out I've been blessed with meeting new people & having fun on twitter. whether it's because someones being Silly changing their picture as a women, Having me pretend that I'm racing to rescue someone off a tree limb or watching someone making confessions of their Rebel youth. I could list so many more things. I'm having a great time tweeting & giggling away. Even when I've misunderstood a tweet
 ( the 140 space thing doesn't help)    I even laugh at myself.  ; )

I am grateful  for those of you who have Re tweeted, Shared &" Like" my post's. And for the heartwarming emails I have received. A few of you have called me & it has been
a delightful surprise.

 I have met some caring people who have shared my auction album with the hopes of helping my friend's family. A couple people  have donated to the Help Heal Thomas Silent Auction  @BirdysNest55  and Lisa who doesn't have a business site. Also a very kind person who didn't know Thomas or his family sent him a package. In respect to his privacy I'm not mentioning his name. He didn't do it to be recognized,
 it was just something he wanted to do.
There Really are Caring People out there.

 Thank You all so much for being on my sites & making me smile. Wishing you all a Wonderful  & Safe Holiday Season. My Christmas wish is - If you decide to drink that you will take turns being a designated driver with all the festive events your invited to.Your Life & the other family's on the road is Important. Your Loved ones want you all around for a long time.

                                                     Love, Hugs & God Bless you all

                                          Remember Jesus is The Reason For this Season.

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